活動名稱:樂(暢)樂(米)米蛋糕 活動日期:2021,01,16(Sat) 時間:10:00am-12:00pm 地點:樂暢親子共學空間Le Second Floor Kids Studio 精緻小班,滿班8人,每位小朋友950元
Topic: Gluten Free Cupcakes made with rice powder Target: From 2 years old above Cost: NTD950/pre Children
Did you know that rise playing a big role in Taiwan? In this upcoming event we are going to bring you to know more about rise. How to grow them, their characteristics, how they been used, the benefits of rise baking, also fun and playful activity of baking the Cupcakes using the rise product. Therefore we are going to introduce you with expert.
We have invited the third generation of Hui-Xin Rice Mill(輝信碾米廠)from Yunlin Tuku, also the chef of Le Riz(樂米工坊), Mr. Liao Jiacheng. (廖家澄) He will teach us how to make the gluten free, delicious Rise Cupcakes. This activity also an actions to support Taiwan’s local agricultural product.
This is the right time to capture the good memories with you beloved one. The children, could make and express their creativity by decorating their own cupcakes. Every children also bring three of their cupcakes!
樂米工坊 https://www.leriz.com.tw/ 樂暢親子共學空間 https://www.lesecondfloor.com/