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無接觸攝影棚五人以下直播/預錄場地 開放預約中

疫情嚴峻想開線上課或錄製課程, 家裡太亂又容易不專心, 歡迎使用我們場地拍攝,

請注意:人數不可超過五人、 請配合體溫量測、手部消毒以及簡訊實聯制. 本空間隨時按照政府防疫規定修改合作細節.

降至二級以下才開放團體預約, 每場紫外線消毒.防疫級空淨機. 有任何問題歡迎與我們聯繫

We open for live or pre-shooting space rental booking, limited to 5 people at a time.

Everything you need will be set-up at our space in advance, Due to current epidemic condition and if you would like to start your new arrangement, but too chaotic at your own place and distract you for an online or pre-recorded class. You are welcome to use our studio for filming.

(´・∀・`)Please note: No more than five people per section, please cooperate with self- body temperature measurement, hand disinfection. Due to the number of people restriction, and for your safty, no assistant will he presence and avoid unnecessary contact with third party, but we can still be assist you via SMS contact system.

The space is always ready to modify the details of cooperation in accordance with government regulations on epidemic prevention.

The space will be resumed to regular booking, once it is lowered to level 2, and the entire space is disinfected with UV light & epidemic-grade air purifier.

If you have any questions, please do not hestitatr to contact us.(*'ω'*)


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