樂愛閱讀俱樂部 Love Reading Club
如果還有機會重來, 希望可以讓孩子自然而然喜歡英文, 放下電子產品 重拾閱讀的美好! 您的心聲,我們聽到了! 全英外師咪咪故事屋和角落豆腐村, 透過英文繪本, 親子一起做勞作,一起聽音樂,一起跳舞! 孩子成長只有一次, 父母陪伴孩子學習是給彼此最棒的禮物!
Classes are open!! Bring your children so they can naturally like and enjoy learning english, Put down the electronics and regain the beauty of reading! We hear your voice! Mimi’s reads and Dofus Reading Corner, Through English picture books, Parents and children work together, listen to music together, and dance together! The child grows up only once, Parents studying with their children are the best gifts for each other! 📣📣九月份 活動日期 September Event •快樂星期五 9/11(FRI)10:00-10:45 我的一天 "lift the flap My day " 9/18(FRI)10:00-10:45 謝謝你 我的好朋友 "The thank you book" •週三放輕鬆 9/23(WED)10:00-10:45 小波在哪裡? "Where's Spot?" 9/30(WED)10:00-10:45 快走開 狼先生! "Go away Mr.wolf" •An Elephant and Piggie Book 大象和小豬系列特集 9/05 (SAT) 09:00~09:45 我要飛起來 "Today I will fly!" 9/12(SAT) 09:00~09:45 看我的厲害 "Watch me throw the ball!" 9/19(SAT) 09:00~09:45 一起玩好不好 "Can I play too?" 9/26(SAT) 09:00~09:45 一起去兜風 "Let's go for a drive!" ➡️活動費用:500/人(單堂) ➡️活動對象:2Y-6Y ➡️地點:樂暢親子共學空間 臺北市大同區長安西路78巷4弄5號2樓 👉報名連結 https://forms.gle/C72PNBKjymti8RYi7 Line:@lesecondfloor Register maill:lesecondfloor@gmail.com www.facebook.com/lesecondfloor #共學空間 #出租空間 #活動規劃 #歡迎場勘 #FullEnglish #Playgroup #StoryTime #SpaceRental