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共學空間租賃/ Space Rental

租用流程 - Easy Steps To Rent

請於報價格後3個工作天內繳交場租 - Contact us for a quote. If you wish to proceed, please transfer the fees within 3 working days.

最遲於活動前3個工作天回傳完畢 - Please fill out our forms and send them back to us.

租用前請詳閱租借辦法 - Before completing the rental process, please read our rental contract which we will send over to you for review.

This is primary studio space available for rental.

全新裝潢,明亮寬敞的空間,容納人數20人以下為舒適,除親子共學外,亦可進行2~8人的會議包場,小型品酒會,使用BRISE C360防疫級空氣清淨機,紫外線消毒燈,空間使用前後,都會進行全面環境清潔消毒,好安心!


This is our kitchen which is also available for rental.


本廚房備有BOSCH8系列蒸氣烤箱,Panasonic微波蒸烘烤爐NN-BS1000,KitchenAid PRO500 5QT升降式攪拌機,TIGER日本製電子鍋,Electrolux手持攪拌棒, Electrolux主廚系列迷你果汁機,SCHOTT ZWEIESEL FORTISSIMO系列香檳杯,紅白酒杯,冰塊及冰桶等,最適合想做料理烘焙紓壓,有美美空間做完下午茶,和朋友拍張美照,少人數授課亦可.小孩在遊戲室玩,大人喝下午茶拍照,大家都開心!


This is primary studio space available for rental.


Step 1

承租者: 預約場勘

Organizer: Make appointment.

Step 2

承租者: 繳交場租,確保使用權

Organizer: Once the space is booked, please transfer the fees.

所有與會者: 個資提供及肖像權同意書

Guest: Review and complete Photo Consent Form

Step 3


Everyone: Please fill out our Event Organizer Information Form

Step 4


Everyone: Enjoy your time with us!

Newly decorated, convenient and comfortable space for up to 15 people, in addition to parent-child learning, it is also possible to hold meetings for up to 8 people, small wine tastings, etc.We use BRISE C360 anti-epidemic air purifiers and ultraviolet disinfecting lamps before and after the studio space is used. We thoroughly clean and disinfect our whole environment. So, it is very safe to use at any time.

Do you have superb cooking skills and need venue to show them?
Our kitchen is equipped with:
BOSCH 8 series steam oven, NN-BS1000 Panasonic microwave oven, KitchenAid PRO500 5QT lifting mixer, TIGER Japanese electronic pot, Electrolux hand-held stirring rod, Electrolux chef series, Mini juice machine.
SCHOTT ZWEIESEL FORTISSIMO series champagne glasses, red and white wine glasses, ice cubes and ice buckets, etc.

Conveniently located in Taipei, in a quiet neighborhood with easy access to public transportation. Located on the second floor, you can rent the whole studio space for a private party so you can show your skills or invite a chef to cook.Cozy space for family gatherings, Wi-Fi, parent-child friendly toilets, diaper stations, and we also offer children's birthday and picnic packages (Party decorations option available).


Suggested Groups Size: Under 20 people

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